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image (7)ewrewr.png
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Group 51trytrytry.png
Group 55ewrewrwerwer.png
Group 54retretret.png
Group 53ewrwerwer.png

Save the Coffee growers

Group 56retretert.png


Group 54retretret.png
ONE MUG Horizontal (Black)-Photoroom (1).png
OM SIDE LOGO-Photoroom (1).png
image__53_ewrewrewr-ai-brush-removebg-hvzyg1z 1-Photoroom (1).png
Group 172sadsadsad-Photoroom.png
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Group 892375519ewrewrewrewr.png
Group ewrewrewr.png
Group 75erewrewr.png
Group 892375556ewrewr.png
Group ewrewrewrqwewqewqe.png
Group 241ewr.png
Group ertret.png
Group 25ytuuyt.png
Group 892375562wqewqe.png

Contact Address:


Group 892375518.png
Group 892375544ewrewr.png

Crypto runs on coffee. From marathon trading sessions to sleepless coding nights, coffee powers the crypto community. But behind every cup are hardworking growers who often miss out on the rewards. That’s where $MUG steps in.


By supporting $MUG, you’re investing in more than a token – you’re giving coffee growers a chance to thrive. We’re bridging the gap between the crypto grind and the farmers who make it all possible.

Group 56retretert.png
MSF (Stacked) 1aS.png
Frame 271ewrewrewr.png
Group 892375544wqewqewqe.png
Group 163.png
Group 892375522.png
Group 892375546tyr.png
Group 56dsfdsfdsf.png
MOAM (Stacked).png
Group 892375545ewrewrewr.png



Crypto runs on coffee. From marathon trading sessions to sleepless coding nights, coffee powers the crypto community. But behind every cup are hardworking growers who often miss out on the rewards. That’s where $MUG steps in.


By supporting $MUG, you’re investing in more than a token – you’re giving coffee growers a chance to thrive. We’re bridging the gap between the crypto grind and the farmers who make it all possible.

Frame 273.png
ONE MUG Horizontal (Black)-Photoroom (3) 1Q.png
Group 892375487 1WQEWQE.png
Group 892375513WQEWQEWQEWQE.png

OneMug is an OnChain Startup, redefining how brands are built by leveraging the transparency and power of blockchain technology.


Unlike traditional startups, we’ve democratized our model, inviting our community not only to participate but to benefit directly from the growth of the OneMug brand.

At the heart of this model are OneMug Licenses—dynamic NFTs that empower holders to play an active role in building the brand.


These Licenses enable community members to earn rewards in real-time by sharing OneMug with their networks. Every referral, every connection, and every shared story contributes to the brand’s success, creating a cycle of mutual growth.

Frame 2ewrewrwer 1oip.png
Frame iuoiuo.png
ABBB MEMBEER IDS 1werewr.png

Our community transcends traditional crypto – we’re building connections across multiple platforms and tapping into the heart of both coffee and crypto culture.


Join the conversation and check out our Spaces on X, where we explore the 'Coffee and Crypto' meta. 

Group 56ewrewrwerwr.png
MUG COMMUNITY (Stacked).png
Frame 243ewrewrewr 5 1yrtuytruyrturytu.png
ONE MUG Horizontal (Black)-Photoroom (5) 1dsfdsfdsfdsf.png
Group 892375491rewtrewt.png
Group 892375501.png
Group rtytrretret.png
BROWN 6tyuytuytu.png
peace 1sad.png
Group 339ghghg.png
ONE MUG Horizontal (Black)-Photoroom (2)
Group dsfdsfdsfdsf.png
Group 140dsfdsfdsf.png

Crypto runs on coffee. From marathon trades to sleepless coding, coffee fuels the crypto community. But the growers behind each cup often miss out. $MUG changes that. By supporting $MUG, you're investing in more than a token – you're helping coffee growers thrive and bridging the gap between the crypto grind and the farmers who make it all possible.

Frame 226.png
Group 56.png
SUPPORT SUPPORT ewrewrewrewr.png
Frame 271ewrewrewr.png
image__5_-removebg 17.png



Crypto runs on coffee. From marathon trading sessions to sleepless coding nights, coffee powers the crypto community. But behind every cup are hardworking growers who often miss out on the rewards. That’s where $MUG steps in.


By supporting $MUG, you’re investing in more than a token – you’re giving coffee growers a chance to thrive. We’re bridging the gap between the crypto grind and the farmers who make it all possible.

Group 892375544wqewqewqe.png
Group 892375523.png
Group 892375521.png
Group 892375522.png

$MUG isn't just another meme coin – it's the evolution of tokens with real-world impact. Supporting coffee growers is at the heart of our mission, driving efforts that create jobs, provide education, and combat food scarcity.


Ongoing contributions from OneMug’s revenue ensure this mission continues to grow alongside the token. With $MUG, you’re not just joining a movement – you’re directly helping to build a sustainable future for the farmers who support the global coffee and crypto communities.

Group 163.png
Group 892375497hgjhgj.png
Group 892375495kjlkjl.png
Group 892375498fgfdgf.png
Group 892375545ewrewrewr.png
Group 892375498.png
trump arm 2 1trytryrty.png
Group 892375495.png
Group 892375488.png
Group dsfdsfdsfdssadsda.png
Group 892375499retretret.png
Z4 trytrytryrty.png
Group 73yiuoiuyoiuyouiyo.png
Frame 2ewrewrwer 1oip.png
Frame iuoiuo.png
image__7_-removebg 2ewrwerwer.png
COMING DECEMBER 1retert 1.png

OneMug is an OnChain Startup, redefining how brands are built by leveraging the transparency and power of blockchain technology.


Unlike traditional startups, we’ve democratized our model, inviting our community not only to participate but to benefit directly from the growth of the OneMug brand.

At the heart of this model are OneMug Licenses - dynamic NFTs that empower holders to play an active role in building the brand.


These Licenses enable community members to earn rewards in real-time by sharing OneMug with their networks. Every referral, every connection, and every shared story contributes to the brand’s success, creating a cycle of mutual growth.

Group 892375633.png
ABBB MEMBEER IDS 1werewr.png

Our community transcends traditional crypto – we’re building connections across multiple platforms and tapping into the heart of both coffee and crypto culture.


Join the conversation and check out our Spaces on X, where we explore the 'Coffee and Crypto' meta. 

Group ertret.png
Group 25ytuuyt.png
Group 27oiuiouoiuoiu.png
Frame 243ewrewrewr 1wqewqewqe.png
Group 75retretert 1.png
Group 892375491.png
ONE MUG Horizontal (Black)-Photoroom (5) 1dsfdsfdsfdsf.png
Group 892375501.png
Group rtytrretret.png
meme on.png
a mission.png

$MUG isn’t just another meme coin – it’s a meme token with real-world impact.


20% of our PreSale supports coffee growers through jobs, education, and tackling food scarcity. Ongoing contributions from OneMug’s revenue keep growing that support. With $MUG, you’re not just part of a trend – you’re building a sustainable future for the farmers who fuel crypto.

Group 17ertretewrewrewr.png
Group 12uyiuyiuyiuyiuyi.png
Group 14rtytrytrytrytry.png
Group 56ewrewrewr.png
Group 69ewrewrewr.png
roadmap 2ewrwerwe retretret.png

Our journey is just beginning. While we make no promises, you can expect us to support coffee growers, launch the OneMug Shop, and debut OneMug Coffee. And after that?

Let’s just say more is brewing. Stick around – this is only the beginning.

Group 70retrett.png
Group 74ewrewrewr.png
Group 72iuoioio.png
Group 73oipoipoip.png
Community 1ewrewrewrwqew.png

Our community transcends traditional crypto – we’re building connections across multiple platforms and tapping into the heart of both coffee and crypto culture.


Join the conversation and check out our Spaces on X, where we explore the 'Coffee and Crypto' meta. Show your support and enter the OneMug Shop by clicking below.

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Group 75werewr.png
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Group 187.png
ONE MUG-Photoroomsadsad.png
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Group 184.png
Group 892375558-Photoroom.png
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